Can You Ace the SSAT & ISEE?

Can You Ace the SSAT & ISEE?

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We know that acing the SSAT or ISEE is about more than knowledge. Scoring competitively on these tests is about knowing the tests—how they work, what they expect from students, and when to guess/skip (the SSAT has a guessing penalty!). Take our quiz to see how ready you are to perform on these key admissions tests.

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How did you do? Was the quiz harder than you expected? Did you fall for traps? Second guess yourself? Spend too long on a tricky problem? We hope this helps give you a sense of what your child experiences! Questions about the quiz or about our approach to SSAT and ISEE tutoring? Give us a call at 646-638-3504 or sign up for our newsletter below.

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