TA Online Learning Quiz: Which Type is Your Kid?

TA Online Learning Quiz: Which Type is Your Kid?

So what type of remote student is my child…?

With remote and hybrid schooling, kids need access to as many tools as possible to build a strong foundation for a successful year. We’ve created 4 student profiles for remote learning so that you can identify the challenges your child might be facing and meet them head on. 

answer key.png

Mostly A’s: The “Old School” Kid
Mostly B’s: The Distracted Kid
Mostly C’s: The Type A Kid
Mostly D’s: The Social Kid

Old School.png

The Kid:

They aren’t loving tech-based life and miss “real school.” They love taking notes by hand and have little tolerance for tech issues. 

What TA Tutors Recommend:

Let them embrace the non-tech options, as well as tech options that are as simple/straightforward as possible.

Non-tech optionsFun pens, Bullet Journals, a big calendar for their desk
We also loveBitpaper and Notability 
Online Whiteboards: AWWCoSketch and Scribblar


The Kid:

They’re prone to “zoning out” and they become easily distracted when they don’t feel particularly engaged. Might be doing other stuff instead of paying attention, and may forget to take notes.

What TA Tutors Recommend:

Engage them and make it fun! Help them stay organized and accountable with reminders. 

Create fun quizzes:

More useful extras:
Google Docs & Jamboard
Schedule Send - a free Gmail feature that functions just like Boomerang. It will allow you to send messages at future dates!
Todoist (lists & reminders)

Type A.png

The Kid:

They’re struggling with changes in schedule and missing the routine of the pre-Covid academic year. They easily become overwhelmed and may be prone to high anxiety. They would appreciate more specific homework instructions and more feedback from teachers.

What TA Tutors Recommend:

Help them create structure and balance! 

Some helpful options we love:
Monterey Aquarium Meditations
Khan Academy
Perdue Online Writing Lab


The Kid:

They hate not being able to see their friends in-person, miss learning together, and Facetime with them all the time.

What TA Tutors Recommend:

Interactive study methods–they should work with their friends (either on the phone or via Zoom) and can add collaboration to almost any piece of studying. We also recommend that students reach out to teachers for one-on-one time outside of class if possible–that’s always an effective way to connect. 

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Advice from the Best: Announcing our Counselor Series!

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